Cambridge TKT - Teaching Knowledge Test: increase your teaching knowledge with an internationally recognised qualification from Cambridge

Upgrade your skills. Advance your career.
Whether you are a new teacher or have years of experience, the Cambridge TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) will help you deepen your understanding of teaching, refine your teaching skills and open up new opportunities for career advancement.
A world of knowledge
The Cambridge TKT is a series of tests that assesses the knowledge and skills of English language teachers.
The TKT is divided into modules, and you will learn about language, methodology, resources, and other aspects of effective language teaching. You will also become familiar with the test format and learn test-taking strategies to help you take the test with confidence.
- TKT Core Modules (1, 2 and 3)
- TKT CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
- TKT Young Learners
- Face-to-face or 100% online
The tests are offered by Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge, and are recognized internationally as a measure of competence in teaching English as a foreign language.
The TKT is the ideal teacher training course if you need to prove your teaching knowledge with an official certificate, if you want to get ready for higher-level professional development courses, or simply if you want to acquire a deeper understanding of English language teaching and learning.
Much more than a teacher training academy

International House is in the heart of the main Sukhumvit area in a modern office building with easy access to public transport, shopping malls, street markets, bars and restaurants.
We have been in Bangkok since 1999 and we’re part of the International House World Organisation with more than 140 schools in 45 countries.
- Central and convenient location
- Easy walk to the Skytrain and Metro systems
- Modern facilities with fully-equipped training rooms
- Computers, printers and Wi-Fi throughout the school
- Extensive resource library
We’re an approved Cambridge TKT centre and offer a range of Cambridge teacher training and development courses.

Teacher training specialists since 1962
Our story in teacher development started in 1962 when International House launched their first teacher training course in London, UK. A course that later became known as the Cambridge CELTA. Since then, thousands of teachers have chosen us for their training and development. Today, we are still one of the organisations that set the standards in teacher education.
Face-to-face or Online
Choose a TKT preparation course that best suits your time and preferred way of studying. Face-to-face at our centre or online from the comfort of wherever you are.
TKT Courses
Timings reflect Thailand time (UTC +7), and prices are in Thai Baht and not inclusive of the TKT examination fee. The preparation for Module 2 and 3 is offered as a unique course. If you wish to apply for multiple modules, just apply for any module below and you will be able to add as many modules as you like on the application form.
TKT M2 & M3
- 1 week (25 hours)
- Monday to Friday
- 09.00 - 15.30
- Bangkok
The schedule for the year 2025 will be published soon.
Take the TKT exam in Bangkok
Take your TKT test with us. We are an approved Cambridge TKT examination centre and offer the test twice a year. Register as an existing student or external candidate.
TKT Exams
Prices are in Thai Baht. Applications for the TKT exam must be received at least 6 weeks before the exam date.
March intake
Module 1, 2 or 3
฿2,250 TKT Preparation students
฿2,750 External candidates
October intake
Module 1, 2 or 3
฿2,250 TKT Preparation students
฿2,750 External candidates
The schedule for the year 2025 will be published soon.
Do you need accommodation while studying?
If you need a place to stay while taking the TKT course in Bangkok, we can take care of it so that you can fully focus on your course. With modern and affordable accommodation solutions close to the school, we have options to match your preferences and budget.
What's in the TKT course?
The TKT preparation course is designed to help you boost your knowledge of English language teaching, become familiar with the test format and master test-taking strategies to ace the exam with confidence.
The Cambridge TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) is a series of tests that assesses the knowledge and skills of English language teachers. The test is developed and administered by Cambridge English, a department of Cambridge University, and is recognized worldwide as a benchmark of competence in teaching English.
The test is divided into 3 modules.
TKT Core (Modules 1, Module 2 and Module 3)
This module assesses knowledge of language and teaching methodology, and covers topics such as grammar, vocabulary, phonology, and teaching skills.
This module assesses knowledge of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), which is an approach to teaching where subjects are taught through a foreign language. The module covers topics such as CLIL principles, assessment, and materials development.
TKT Young Learners
This module assesses knowledge of teaching English to young learners and covers topics such as lesson planning, classroom management, and the use of materials and resources.
Each module is assessed separately, and candidates can choose to take one or more modules at a time. Certificates are awarded separately for each module completed.
TKT Core Module 1 tests candidates’ knowledge of terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the factors underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the range and functions of the pedagogic choices the teacher has at their disposal to cater for these learning factors.
There are 3 parts in this module.
Describing language and language skills
This part of Module 1 tests candidates’ knowledge of the terms and concepts common in English language teaching that are used to describe language and its use, and language skills. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: grammar, lexis, phonology, functions and language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing and their sub-skills).
Background to language learning
This part of Module 1 tests candidates’ knowledge of factors underpinning the learning of English by speakers of other languages. It focuses on those learner characteristics which distinguish one learner or group of learners from another in terms of their learning and those which affect both what and how a teacher chooses to teach a class or an individual learner. It also tests candidates’ knowledge of aspects of the language-learning process and their impact on teaching. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to the following and their implications for the L2 classroom: motivation, exposure to language and focus on form, the role of error, the differences between L1 and L2 learning, learner characteristics and learner needs.
Background to language teaching
This part of Module 1 tests candidates’ knowledge of the pedagogic choices the teacher has at their disposal to cater for learner characteristics, learning processes and the differences between L1 and L2 learning. This part also tests knowledge of concepts and terms related to teaching and learning procedures and activities, including assessment. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of methods, tasks, activities and terminology related to: presentation techniques and introductory activities, types of activities and tasks for language and skills development, assessment types and tasks.
TKT Core Module 2 focuses on what teachers consider and do while planning their teaching of a lesson or series of lessons. Teaching in this context is intended also to refer to assessment. It focuses too on the linguistic and methodological reference resources that are available to guide teachers in their lesson planning as well as on the range and function of materials and teaching aids that teachers could consider making use of in their lessons. Knowledge of any particular book is not required.
There are 2 parts in this module.
Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons
This part of Module 2 tests candidates’ knowledge of the relationship between activities and aims. It also tests knowledge of ways of sequencing activities within and across lessons in a manner appropriate to particular groups of learners, and of selecting appropriate assessment activities to build into (a series of) lessons. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: identifying and selecting lesson aims, identifying the different components of a lesson plan, planning an individual lesson or sequence of lessons, choosing assessment activities.
Selection and use of resources
This part of Module 2 tests candidates’ knowledge of how to make use of resources, materials and aids in their lesson planning. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to the following and their implications for the L2 classroom: using reference resources for lesson preparation, the selection and use of teaching aids, the selection and use of coursebook materials, the selection and use of supplementary materials and activities.
For a detailed description of the TKT contents, assessment and outcomes, please visit the Cambridge website.
TKT Core Module 3 tests candidates’ knowledge of what happens in the classroom in terms of the language used by the teacher or learners, the roles the teacher can fulfil and the ways in which the teacher can manage and exploit classroom events and interaction.
There are 2 parts in this module.
Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom
This part of Module 3 tests candidates’ knowledge of the functions of classroom language, and how to adapt teacher language according to its audience and purpose. It also tests candidates’ knowledge of the appropriacy of teachers’ classroom language, how to analyse learners’ language and categorise learners’ errors. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: the functions commonly used by the teacher in the classroom, identifying the functions of language used by learners in the classroom (tasks may involve analysis of learner language which is not completely accurate), categorising learners’ mistakes.
Classroom management
This part of Module 3 tests candidates’ knowledge of the range and function of strategies available to a teacher for managing classes in ways appropriate to learners and to teaching and learning aims. These include variety of activity and pace, ways of grouping learners, techniques for correcting learners’ mistakes and the roles a teacher can fulfil at different stages of the lesson. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to the following and their implications for the L2 classroom: the roles of the teacher, classroom management, grouping learners, correcting learners, giving feedback.
For a detailed description of the TKT contents, assessment and outcomes, please visit the Cambridge website.
TKT CLIL is an examination for both subject teachers and English language teachers involved in CLIL programmes. It tests knowledge of the aims and rationale of a CLIL approach and knowledge of CLIL from a teaching perspective: the planning, teaching and assessment of CLIL. It also focuses on teachers’ awareness of learning demands (content, language, communication, cognition) and support strategies for learners in CLIL programmes.
There are 4 parts in this module.
Knowledge of CLIL and principles of CLIL
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of a CLIL approach and knowledge of the learning, cognitive, language and communication skills across the curriculum. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: aims of and rationale for CLIL knowledge, language across the curriculum, communication skills across the curriculum, cognitive skills across the curriculum, learning skills across the curriculum.
Lesson preparation
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of planning, teaching and assessing curricular subjects taught through the medium of English. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: planning a lesson or a series of lessons, language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks, resources including multimedia and visual organisers, materials selection and adaptation, activity types and their purposes.
Lesson delivery
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of effective lesson delivery. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: classroom language, scaffolding content and language, methods to help learners develop learning strategies, consolidating learning and differentiation.
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of effective assessment and evaluation of learning. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: focus of assessment, types of assessment, support strategies.
For a detailed description of the TKT contents, assessment and outcomes, please visit the Cambridge website.
TKT YL is an examination for teachers and classroom assistants who teach or will teach English to young learners. It tests knowledge of concepts related to young learner learning and development, and knowledge of young learners from a teaching perspective: the planning, teaching and assessment of young learners’ work.
There are 4 parts in this module.
Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to young learners
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of children’s characteristics as language learners and knowledge of how language learning can help young learners to develop learning strategies, cognitive strategies and communication strategies. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: children’s characteristics as language learners (theory focused), developing children’s learning strategies through language learning, developing children’s cognitive strategies through language learning, developing children’s communication strategies through language learning.
Planning and preparing young learner lessons
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of planning and preparing language lessons for young learners. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: lesson plans – components/headings, providing support and challenge when selecting and using coursebooks and supplementary materials, additional resources – selecting, adapting and supplementing.
Teaching young learners
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of strategies for teaching language to young learners. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language through teacher language and teaching strategies, using practice activities to consolidate children’s language learning, managing young learners in class.
Assessing young learner learning through classroom-based assessment
This part of the module tests candidates’ knowledge of assessing young learner learning in the classroom, and knowledge of how to respond to the information provided by classroom assessment. Candidates need to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terminology related to: purposes of different types of classroom-based assessment, focus of different types of classroom-based assessment, acting on classroom-based assessment evidence.
For a detailed description of the TKT contents, assessment and outcomes, please visit the Cambridge website.
TKT is a series of tests that are taken in-person at an authorised Cambridge centre. Each module consists of a timed (1 hours and 20 minutes) pencil-and-paper test featuring 80 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
The level of competence of each candidate is assessed using a 4-band scale in which Band 1 indicates restricted knowledge and Band 4 indicates comprehensive and accurate knowledge.
Certificates are awarded separately for each test taken.
A talented, dynamic and passionate team
Meet the trainers that make our teacher training programmes stand out from the crowd. A team of highly qualified and enthusiastic teachers dedicated to motivating and supporting you throughout your learning journey.
All your questions answered
The Cambridge TKT is a series of tests that assesses the knowledge and skills of English language teachers. It helps teachers increase their knowledge of language, methodology, resources, and other aspects of effective language teaching. The tests are offered by Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge, and are recognised by private organisations and public institutions worldwide as a measure of competence in teaching English as a foreign language.
Yes. TKT is assessed, moderated and awarded by Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge. TKT is accepted throughout the world by organisations and institutions which employ English language teachers or teachers who teach their subjects in English.
TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test), CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages) and DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages) are all internationally recognized qualifications for English language teachers. They are all offered by Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge. They differ in terms of their focus and level.
TKT is a general test of teaching knowledge, which assesses a teacher's understanding of language and teaching methodology. It is suitable for both new and experienced teachers, regardless of teaching context. It’s mainly focused on teaching theory. There are no specific entry requirements although a minimal level of language proficiency equivalent to CEFR B1 is expected (if English is not your first language).
CELTA is a practical teacher training course that focuses on the development of teaching skills and techniques. It is suitable for individuals with little or no teaching experience. It’s mainly focused on teaching practice. Entry requirements include being over 18, having a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education (you do not need a degree) and having a minimal level of language proficiency equivalent to CEFR C1 (if English is not your first language).
DELTA is an advanced level qualification that focuses on the development of teaching expertise. It is suitable for experienced teachers who want to improve their teaching skills, knowledge and understanding of the field. It’s focused on both theory and practice. Entry requirements include being over 18, having a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education (you do not need a degree), having at least 1 year’s teaching experience and having a minimal level of language proficiency equivalent to CEFR C1 (if English is not your first language).
TKT consists of 3 modules: TKT Core, TKT CLIL and TKT YL. Each module assesses different aspects of teaching knowledge and understanding.
TKT Core (subdivided into Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3) covers the fundamental knowledge and understanding of language and teaching methodology required to teach English as a foreign language. It covers areas such as language systems and skills, lesson planning, and classroom management.
TKT CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) focuses on the teaching of subjects through English as a foreign language. It covers areas such as the integration of language and content, assessment, and CLIL-specific teaching techniques.
TKT YL (Young Learners) focuses on the specific knowledge and understanding required to teach English as a foreign language to children. It covers areas such as lesson planning, classroom management, and teaching techniques for young learners.
TKT is the ideal teacher training course if you need to prove your teaching knowledge with an official certificate, if you want to get ready for higher-level professional development courses, or simply if you want to acquire a deeper understanding of English language teaching and learning.
No. There are no specific entry requirements for TKT with the exception of having a minimal level of language proficiency equivalent to CEFR B1 (if English is not your first language).
No. If English is not your first language, it recommended that you have at least a level of language proficiency equivalent to CEFR B1 and that you are familiar with language relating to the practice of English language teaching.
No. TKT is suitable for anyone who is teaching or planning to teach, regardless of experience or teaching context.
No. You don't need to be an expert as long as you know how to use familiar computer applications for video calls (e.g. Skype, Zoom, etc.), office work (e.g. Word, Power Point, etc.) and file sharing (e.g. iCloud, Google Drive, etc.). Some training is provided and your tutors are always there to support you. In terms of equipment, you only need a computer, a microphone, a webcam and a stable internet connection.
TKT is designed to assess the knowledge and understanding of teachers of English as a foreign language, regardless of the age group they teach. However, TKT offers a separate module that specifically focuses on teaching young learners, TKT YL (Young Learners). This module assesses the knowledge and understanding required to teach English as a foreign language to children.
There’s no difference except for the mode of studying. This is because the syllabus is exactly the same. Of course, if you take the TKT preparation course online you attend classes on Zoom. From wherever you are!
No. The modular format provides flexible entry points. You may choose to enrol in the different modules together or separately, in any order at any time.
TKT is a series of tests that are taken in-person at an authorized Cambridge centre. Each module consists of a timed (1 hours and 20 minutes) pencil-and-paper test featuring 80 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each. The level of competence of each candidate is assessed using a 4-band scale in which Band 1 indicates restricted knowledge and Band 4 indicates comprehensive and accurate knowledge. Certificates are awarded separately for each test taken.
You can take the TKT exams at our centre in Bangkok or Chiang Mai. We offer the tests twice a year in March and October. Registration for the exam must be received at least six weeks in advance of a test date. You can register for the exams as an existing student preparing for the TKT with us or as an external candidate.
No. You can prepare for TKT at one centre and take the exam at another centre. However, you will have to take the responsibility for contacting the centre yourself and you will need to pay the Cambridge examination fee to that centre at least 6 weeks before the date of the exam.
Quite busy! A day on the course usually includes input sessions on the different focus areas of the module chosen and regular exam practice tests. You also receive input on test-taking strategies and feedback on your performance in the practice tests.
Having a TKT certificate can be an advantage when looking for a job as a teacher of English as a foreign language. TKT is an internationally recognised qualification accepted by many private organisations and public institutions around the world. A TKT certificate will not only demonstrate your professional competence, but also your commitment to professional development.
It's very simple! Choose your preferred course and send your application through our website. No payment is required at this stage. Our course advisors will review your application and get in touch with you with more information on how to complete the enrolment.
Payments can be made in cash at our school, by bank transfer or online by debit/credit card. Please visit our Payments page for more information.
Refunds may be available depending on the circumstances of your cancellation. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions page to view our cancellation and refund policies.
Simply because we are one of the most reputable organisations in the world in English language teaching and have been providing teacher training and development courses for over 60 years. Our story started in 1962 when International House launched their first teacher training course in London, UK. A course that later became known as the Cambridge CELTA. Since then, thousands of teachers have chosen us for their training and development. Today, we are still one of the organisations that set the standards in teacher education.
Your experience matters
The course gave me good foundations in teaching methodology and how to help learners better. The preparation course was a good mix of theory, reflections on our own teaching and, very importantly, strategies for the tests. I’m glad I decided to take all 3 modules as I really feel I now have a complete understanding of language teaching.
I would have never thought that after so many years of teaching, there was still so much to learn. Some concepts were quite easy for me as I have taught children in primary school for a long time, but I must admit that plenty of information was new and it truly added value to my experience. And now I have an official certificate from Cambridge!
Great school and professional teachers. The course helped me better understand how to teach my subject in English and, as a non-native speaker, it also helped me with my English. We learnt a lot during the course, it’s very well structured, and I feel much more confident now.
Thank you for helping me pass the test! I really enjoyed the course and found all the tips I received very useful. The trainers were very knowledgeable and always had time to answer my questions. I also received a lot of feedback on my performance and what I should expect to score in the real exam. I definitely recommend it.
Let us help you find the right TKT course
Contact us today to speak to a TKT course advisor. We are here to help you find a course that matches your goals.